Father's Day
June 18, 2023
My Dad taught me so much. He taught me about honesty and hard work; that I am worthy; and that I matter. He was a very special man, and I miss him every day.
My Dad taught me so much. He taught me about honesty and hard work; that I am worthy; and that I matter. He was a very special man, and I miss him every day.
When I started my self-publishing journey with my Adventures of Caitlin & Rio series, I had two very modest goals:
Goal #1 was achieved easily within the first 6 months... the way I figured it out was simple math. The number of units sold must exceed the number of family members and friends. I have a small family, and a great circle of friends. So thanks to family and friends for their support. For the others... I am so happy that you are reading my books.
For Goal #2 I was visiting my happy place - our local library- and I saw THE LOST COLORS displayed on the shelves of the "new books" section.
All this goes to show that dreams can come true.
Dream on!