2013 Thanksgiving Tucson Trip Day Four 11/27/2013
December 07, 2013
Wednesday 11/27/2013 it was overcast and cool. We decided to visit the Tucson Botanical Gardens in urban Tucson. This is a small facility with a butterfly house. We had nice overcast weather; great light for photography. Admission is $13 per person.
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need."
I loved the cactus garden.
There are many other interesting parts to these gardens - a beautiful herb gardens, native american crop gardens, butterfly gardens.
The greenhouse where the exotic butterflies were held was hot and humid. We left our coats in the car prior to entering.
You had to tread lightly.
Butterflies are so beautiful.
The greenhouse contained some gorgeous orchids.
We ate our picnic lunch at the Gardens and then decided to go and visit the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun.
We really enjoyed this. There is no charge.
This is truly remarkable personal gallery of the local artist DeGrazia (died in the 1980's.) I remember his images from christmas cards that I remember from my childhood.
I loved the chapel that he built on the premises.
Look at this glorious interior.
Here are images of the artist's home...
We ended up photographing the sunset at Gates Pass.