Kevin's 2011 Challenge
2011 Challenge - Week Two

2011 Challenge - Week One Recap

My first week of the 2011 Challenge flew by. I managed to find my pedometer. I found that actually photographing all the food I ate was better than keeping a food diary. I now am working on a collage to remind myself of everything that I've eaten...

Goal one: Eat Less... keep a photo food diary. Done. I think I'll keep doing this. Its a good reminder of all the food I eat.

Goal one: Move more... to walk to the third floor restroom at work, and at home do squats during commercial breaks while watching movies. The extra work out up three flights of stairs worked well. Not so well, the squats during commercial breaks. Firstly with the joys of Tivo, we don't actually watch commercial breaks.

Bonus - no morning Starbucks (venti chai latti.) I saved $20 bucks this week. Yay!


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