2010 Challenge - 12/21/2010 - Wild Boar Coffee
December 26, 2010
Tuesday 12/21 last day of the work week before the Christmas holiday. I had a morning coffee meeting across the road from the office. Shot with Panasonic point 'n shoot, 1/50, f/4.3, 15.8mm, ISO 100.
2010 Challenge - 12/20/2010 - Spoons
December 26, 2010
Monday 12/20 was quiet at CSU. I ventured out to LSC for some soup. Short week before Christmas. shot with Panasonic point 'n shoot, 1/13, f/3.3, 4.1mm, ISO 400.
2010 Challenge - 12/19/2010 - What is a Tree?
December 26, 2010
Sunday, 12/19 we went to St Vrain park. Again, gorgeous weather, mild and dry. Panasonic point 'n shoot, 1/500, f/5.0, 4.1mm, ISO 80.
2010 Challenge - 12/18/2010 - Sawhill Ponds
December 26, 2010
Saturday 12/18 was slightly chilly, still no snow here on the front range. We decided to take our cameras, binoculars, and go for a walk at Sawhill Ponds in Boulder. Shot with Panasonic point 'n shoot, 1/40, f/4.6, 34.4mm, ISO 400.
2010 Challenge - 12/17/2010 - Fox!
December 17, 2010
At about 8:15am this morning I was walking across campus and came across this fox trotting around campus as calm as could be...
Panasonic point 'n shoot, 1/125, f/4.9, 49.2mm, ISO 320.
2010 Challenge - 12/16/2010 - Good surprises...
December 17, 2010
It's those small gestures that make it all worth it... from my skillful "Cat" Team. Panasonic point 'n shoot, 1/30, f/3.3, 4.1mm, ISO 200.