Spring Storm Arrives
Storm Chasing Season Begins...

Burrowing Owls

Since my last post we have been busy - busy with gardening, and general spring orientated activities. I've ordered my plants from High Country Gardens and they should be arriving during the week of May 16. This is also the time of year for Burrowing Owls.  Kevin visits Rich Stevens' website for interesting tips on bird watching. We used this site to find the little screech owl that I blogged about here.

We found a very informative Burrowing Owl "Owl Loop" that practically guaranteed us a good sighting of some burrowing owls.

And sure enough we spotted them. So we have been regular visitors and watching these cute cuddly owls as the stand on their holes and watch us! We have been taking pictures, but none have come out good enough to post on this site. These owls are kind of skittish, and do not like to be approached.

The best time to see Burrowing Owls is during the day when they are quite active. Watch out for prairie dog colonies and do a careful scan of the mounds as they sometimes peep out at you. Typically they stand on top of the mound in a very erect way.

Here is a more informative site about Burrowing Owls. It includes pictures and sounds.


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