While the Oscars...
Storm Chase Blogs.

Eastern Screech Owl

I meant to add this photo of our little Eastern Screech Owl after the last post. Jeanne reminded me of it. Thanks Jeanne!

So here is the little guy. Colorado has an overlap of both Eastern and Western Screech owls. They are nearly indistinguishable, except by voice and by the subtle coloring of the bill - in the Eastern the bill is a greenish gray, and in the Western it is darker - a more blackish color. (To be honest you can't tell the difference by looking at him - you need a good photograph to go back and compare.)

Screech_owl_8907_1 The Owl is perched in a hole in a tree trunk. He is quite tiny no more than about 8 inches or 20cm high. 

You can see how well he is camoflaged.



Oh wow!! I'm impressed you spotted him! He is absolutely gorgeous - I have a soft spot for owls anyway... I think it's their intense stare and that 360 degree head-turn trick ;-) Excellent photo, as always!

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