Carnival of the Vanities...
Congratulations CookSister!

Carnival of the Vanities #130

I missed it. Yet another blog event that I missed! I have good intentions. Buried somewhere in my archives is my one and only entry in the simply fabulous Is My Blog Burning #7 Event, and I have missed out on the #130 Carnival of the Vanities. Other blog events (albeit food blog events) I have watched from a distance. For example the fab Cooksister! keeps up with the blog events.

Bird's Eye View hosted. He begins with a wry invitation to the Blogosphere Boys Club. Great. I could have tipped the balance.

Check out the Watcher of Weasels. He has a new post out for voting. I think I need more Mountain Dew to follow the rules ;-) But check out these links: Alpha Patriot has some incredible photographs of the Lebanese protest. Right Wing Nuthouse talks about the idiotic attempt by the FEC to control the blogosphere. TFS Magnum ponders the future of Newspapers. Maybe instead of newspapers being people's first source of information they will be used instead for something else entirely - like protecting clean carpets from wet spring mud!

I got a little side tracked. (But I think that's what the Carnival is all about.) I found The Christian Anarchist blogging about whether Jesus could be a Democrat or a Republican. (There are blog entries for both sides of the argument.) And he concludes in a series of blog posts that Christ was in fact apolitical.

This makes for really interesting reading. Wait I found this post about the culling of Elephants in South Africa. I left a comment on Interested-Participant's blog. This policy of culling elephants in South Africa has been around for years. I did a paper and presentation on this issue (at the time (2003/4) South Africa wanted the CITES restrictions removed as it had collected a large stock pile of Elephant products, mostly ivory that it wanted to sell. CITES has given South AFrica consent to sell its ivory in one off sales in the past.

Sigh. Next time perhaps.

Thanks to the kind words from Solomon in the Comments section on the post below.

Next weeks Carnival of the Vanities is hosted at Code Blue Blog. Deadline March 22nd, 6pm EST.


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